Guest blogger Emma Bibby from says:
"I am so
glad that I committed to doing the Artist's Way
this time around. It helps knowing that
so many others are there with me, working through it also, albeit in our own
personal ways. I was skeptical, as I have a tendency to take on too much, and
was worried I'd give up half way through. But, I am feeling determined! As
Jules wrote in the chat room earlier this week - we are a 'brave tribe' - taking
the time, and making the effort to try and make positive changes in our lives,
even though the process to get there can be painful and massively challenging at
have no problems in writing 3 pages each day for my morning pages, although I
also feel that it is sometimes a chore as others have mentioned. So far my
morning pages have been alot of negative ranting, and because its a safe
environment to let it all out, I've reluctantly found myself writing about
issues that maybe I brushed under the carpet before. However, this negative
ranting did not make me feel good - where were all the creative thoughts,
'lightbulb' moments, real breakthroughs in understanding parts of my life?
have spent many years on developing myself from reading books, attending courses
and workshops, to meditation retreats and working in the complementary and
alternative health field. It is an integral part of my life now -
self-development - and I do believe in natural ways to help and nurture
ourselves, and have built up a repertoire of useful resources and tools over the
years to support me when I need it (e.g. meditation techniques, the use of
herbal remedies, yoga and eating well). However, although I know how to make
myself feel good - WHY do I not call upon these wonderful tools more
point is, its all very well reading, learning and realising what is good for
us...but it is no good unless we actually practice these things, and experience
first hand how they make us feel. Maybe this is why I find resistance to some
of the Artist's Way work - when I start seeing my negative rants appear in my
morning pages, I am confronted with the fact that despite my years of
self-development learning...there is still so much I need to face and really
change. I have already questioned, here in Week 2, whether a) I 'throw in the
towel' as I have done so many times before, when faced with my own issues, and
carry on regardless, or do I b) decide that this time I will work through it,
despite making me feel uncomfortable at times, and make real strides towards
positive change. By doing the Artist's Way I am choosing
am a self-confessed 'Scanner' (a term I've only recently come to know, but
immediately identified with!), always wanting to learn more, more, more...yet,
this time my greatest challenge is being practical and DOING more, more, more!
So, sitting down with a pad and pen as part of the Artist's Way process, and
trying to pinpoint who my self-confidence sabateurs have been in the past, who
assisted in stifling my creativity - that, for me is really DOING - and is so
hard for me to identify...maybe because I've buried the real answers for so
long. Am still trying to fathom this bit out! Thinking about what affirmations
will help me, and then having to deal with the blurts, that is really DOING -
and takes work for me. Then, practicing the affirmations so that, over time my
unconscious mind is convinced that these are my new beliefs, and to forget my
outdated negative beliefs - that is DOING...and is, again, a real effort for
me. Still working on this!!
But, rather than try to do every single task, to
perfection, as I was putting pressure on myself to in Week 2, I'm
trying to relax a bit, and do as much as I can...picking those tasks which I
would enjoy, plus some I'm resistant too. Rather than racing through the
process, I'm trying to sit back and let it all sink in, and actually DO the
practice required (affirmations etc.) and keep this course as a sacred thing for
myself - only to be shared with like-minded souls while I work through it...the
brave tribe!"