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Saturday, 07 February 2009



What a perfect film to watch.....I love Gurinder Chadha films......I treated myself to 2 Artist's date's...a trip to the V&A costume dept and 'Bride and Prejudice' another of Chadha's films.... set in beautiful colourfull India and as always a very happy ending.....hoorah ;-)
Caite x


Did not think i would get to go on my date, plan was to do something yesterday like the cinema or a museum. Well, there i was after a work out session in the gym, had gone to the spa to sit in the steam room and was thereafter relaxing on one of the loungers - pure bliss! Anyway, i was sat there deep in thought as to what i should do on my date when it dawned on me that 'dah, you are on your date! Very me - chasing the bus, i already caught :-)

Suzy Greaves

that sounds so familiar - chasing that caught bus! 'you're already there, there's nowhere to go', someone very wise told me.
and will try out bridge and prejudice next! xxx


I've been doing morning pages for a few years now. But, I found artist's dates really hard. Never do them. That's the beauty of this online thing. It's making me doing my artists dates. So far I've been to the National gallery and a comedy show, plus a few episodes of pottering round shops.


Just finised my first artist date, making a lemon meringue pie, pastry and all! Had some resistence but got on with it and had a great time, especially the bit where I got to taste it!


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