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Tuesday, 10 February 2009



I find the morning pages to be a mixed bag. There have been times when i've worked through some difficult issue or maybe scoped out a plot point for my book. Then there are the "not so good" times, like last Thursday morning when I sat at my kitchen table, chin in hand, watching the clock to make sure I wasn't late, and I hated it. I was tired and felt like I was rushing my homework the morning it was due. I stopped after half a page, half way through the sentence I was writing, and just left the house. I had a crap day in the office that day. Restless, grumpy, tetchy (probably linked). Then the next morning I got back into the flow. I'd had a better night's sleep. But yes, there are days where I just write words for the sake of filling the page, and they are forced out and those days are hard.


Hi, like Laura I have found the morning pages to be hard but then I tried the idea of a theme. Last week, I decided on snow on Thursday morning. It made me able to write easily about snow, how it made me feel, memories on being in it and bringing out the child in everyone. And from there before I knew it, 3 pages were done. So when I get stuck now I just think of a theme and it gets me started. Trains, blue sky, and Friday 13th will be my theme tomorrow. Not long into my theme, I find myself on a complete tangent. Lots of negative things coming out, that I'm tired and all the above. But I do get the pages covered and am hoping to persevere.


I'm ok to carry on with the morning pages...and I'm not sure it's resistance, I have just never been much of a writer never even kept a teenage diary...I went for painting instead. I'm just not mad at anyone or thing at the moment....I'm in a rather settled place....and I feel I've done enough ranting in my life.But ...there is always room for improvement so rest assured I'll do them.
Caite x

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