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Wednesday, 11 February 2009



I really enjoyed reading your blog entry Emma and can relate to so much of what you say. I'm finding the process of going through the 'Artist's Way' more enjoyable this time around knowing there are others' doing morning pages and working through their own stuff at the same time. Shared idea's are so much more powerful than going through the motion's on your own. It's good to be part of the Brave Tribe :-)

Tracey Rissik

Hi Emma,
great post - and very thought-provoking as I saw so much of me in your writing too. I'm a Scanner who just takes on WAY too much too often. I resist the notion that I'm not Superwoman, who needs no sleep & can do everything every day :-| So it's good to have the inspiration of someone else overcoming resistance.

Best wishes to everyone on the programme!
Tracey :)

gina langton

I too can relate to much that you have written. Week 2 and I am feeling rather discombobulated by my increased awareness of who I am and who I am not. The section on Crazymakers - what a wake up call - one minute I yell "Eureka!" I've got it. HE's been stopping me. As I read on, I discover that's not quite what is being said here. I don't remember reading about this last time. Am I the crazymaker too? And still my karmic tentacles are ranging madly to find excuses for complacency, hesitation, duvet tunneling. Hey ho! But I'm determined as ever to continue - I know I'm making progress, because I'm beginning to chuckle inwardly....... and I'm really glad I'm not alone! Thanks all of you!

Lizzie Edwards

Emma, so great to hear how you are getting on! I am also spurred on by the fact that i'm not alone doing this, and by the posts that share that others keep taking on too much too..
I have been consistent in my morning pages, and not missed a day, but today the negative voice piped up - You're not doing this properly, your writing is way to scribbled and messy, you haven't done the tasks properly, you will not get the benefit of this if all you do is write in the mornings blah blah blah..
I do not have a problem doing things on my own so the artist dats are not proving hard either, but they sem to be the little sort, kind of blended in rather than blocked in the diary - like i went to the flower market on sunday morning early and did some flower arranging, BUT i haven't been to the V&A like i keep planning, so im giving myself a hard time. But im still in it!

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