Guest blogger Kirsty Norton talks about her Artist's Way journey:
what a journey this has been. I started the Artists Way with such great gusto as
it was just what I needed to give me the strength and courage to follow my dream
of being a full time yoga teacher/writer and wellbeing expert. I committed
myself to the project and started off so well, I thought it was a 'nice' thing
to do and was going to be great fun, la la la, easy peasy etc.
It's not
easy is it?! To confront yourself and who you are and how you sabotage your own
plans has been a great journey for me. When I say 'great' I don't mean I've
enjoyed it all - its been scary and upsetting and I've felt wobbly and insecure
and at times just a mess!
It was probably at this point I managed to find
lots of excuses not to do the weekly chapters...
I had so much buzzing
around in my head - I got up at 6 to do my own yoga practice then went to work,
taught yoga in the evenings, came home and did my website, admin and put actions
into place for my new way of life. I really didn't know where to fit in the
Artists Way as well and can't believe I'm still trying to make excuses and
justify my actions to you by writing it all down here. In fact it makes me
laugh. Some things take a little longer to change in yourself...
Suzy got in touch to ask me if I could do my week 7 blog I felt a disappointment
in myself from not doing as I had intended and sticking to the book 100%. Then I
took a step back and looked at how much I've achieved since starting this and
I'm now a full time yoga teacher with offers of teaching posts left, right and
centre and the private clients are really rolling in and I've been writing
articles - the most recent one for Italian Glamour magazine. I'm thrilled to
Thankfully I'm back into the Artists Way and am thrilled this week
is about a sense of connection - it has come at a key time and working out who I
envy is just perfect to help me focus on where I go next. The thing I'm most
looking forward to is the collage which I've put some time aside to do tonight.
My big risk is to start uploading free videos onto YouTube for those people that
cant get to yoga classes. It'll be scary being in front of a camera and allowing
the public to judge me but I'm doing it, its all part of my dream.
luck to all of you finding your connection - we're over half way through and I
really hope you are all benefitting from this as much as I am. Its so good to
know that there are others out there doing this, a sense of community is what
we're missing these days and to have this reminder that it does exist has also
made me really grateful. "
Here's kirsty's fab website address: