It was half term for me last week and my husband is away on tour so I had all my girlfriends come to stay over the week so we've had a busy week entertaining kids by day and scaring them on the haunted hay rides (halloween in the country) and then getting petrified kids in bed by 7 and us mums then eating yummy food, drinking too much wine and putting the world to rights.
And - dare I say it.... moaning about men! I kind of enjoyed this for a bit. We women do bond beautifully regaling each other about what you men have or haven't done. But after about the second day, we got really fed up with hearing the same old moans....we want them to commit to us, we wanted them to give to us, we wanted them to delight and spoil us......With my coaching hat perched on the end of the sofa, I realised that we were definitely on hiding to nothing (technical coaching term there). We give all our power away when we ask others to change. All we can do is change the way we think or act.
So being the brilliant, superstar women that we are, we turned it around in Byron Katie fashion ( and asked ourselves how we could commit to ourselves more, how could we give to ourselves more, how we could delight and spoil ourselves we have spent the rest of half term asking ourselves these questions versus moaning about our men and you know what? I FEEL FANTASTIC. What does real commitment to myself look like? I asked myself. For me, it definitely about more creativity and writing and new projects...and allowing myself the space and time to do that versus trying to cram it between school run and bedtime.....It's that extra yoga class, it's heading down to the gym for an hour and sitting in the jacuzzi and 'working' out some new ideas.....
I can spend so much energy grizzling about my husband - it feels so much better to spend that energy creating something lovely for myself.
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