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Wednesday, 25 February 2009



Mika, thank you so much. Diary of a blogger or is it diary of a procrastinator. I've also been procastinating, using all sorts of excuses. Reading your blog made me realise how many times I've said I'm procastinating in my morning pages - hello?! And procrastination is such a hard word to spell. Maybe I should just get on with it and I wouldn't have to write it down so often. I like the 'mantra' as an addition to the affirmations and if it helps to produce such synchronicity then I think I'll just head off now to write some mantras. After all, I don't know if I should have actually read your blog this week; is it 'reading'. Not being allowed to hunker down with a book every night has ensured that I'm getting on with some tasks that I've been putting off for months, so that's a result. Only thing is, is it like a diet. When I finish the 12 week program and everyone else out there goes back to living their lives, will I simply stop writing the morning pages and lose the benefits they bring.


Oh Mika this strikes such a chord. I too think everyone will look at my "creativity" my "work" and say "Who do you think you are to assume you are brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous"

I'm learning to ignore it.

Still no move on the 270 words but boy am I proud of those 270 words. The rest will come, I know it now.

I AM synchronicity:
- a friend has offered me a stress-free part time job so I can stop worrying about money but still have loads of time for my Pie (and the novel)
- when I mentioned to a friend (cello teacher) that I really want to start playing again, but think I need to get a really good instrument on loan....one of her students is going on VSO next year and is looking to loan her cello
- the same week as the job offer I got a request for tutoring - ready cash and easy!
- just as I was thinking I'd like to go to a beer festival (oh yes) a friend mentioned last night a mate playing in a band at a beer festival soon - we should all go

the list goes on....amazing! Keep going Mika, looking forward to seeing you on my TV screen soon x


Oh dear....I think I am "brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous"....does this mean I'm selfish, self absorbed and not nice to know? I'm rubbish at the morning pages I am not a writer it feels like being back to school and I only manage 4/7 days.....I really dislike it. Suzy said I was resisting......

Victoria Trott

I'm loving reading about your experiences of synchronicity - I just wish that I was experiencing similar things! I'm really enjoying the morning pages and finding them insightful, rediscovering a love of music and many other things that I've buried for so long. I'm also finding the artist's date inspirational and I hope that these are things I will continue to do once the book has ended.

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