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Thursday, 30 August 2007



Great that you've got "BK" involved in some way. The Work is one of the fastest ways to inner peace I know of.


Suzy Greaves

I know Tim - isn't it amazing? I'm really very excited about the interview. at one point, I was signed up to the doing 'the work' every day with another volunteer and found myself very still through out the 30 days. it's a fantastic, wonderful tool.
do you still use it every day?


I don't use it every day. I usually use TW when something *really* bites emotionally.

It doesn't have to be a "big" thing either - just anything that pushes a button (or two!)

I've found some other ways of other methods of "slipping into peace" in the midst of everyday life too.



The Work is amazing!

Really does have a profound effect for such a seeming simple process.

Looking forward to hearing the interview!


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