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Thursday, 30 August 2007



really looking forward to it, Suzy. Great way to start with a napping competition!

I'm not sleeping too well at present, so I might just beat you!



I've noticed that most self-development programs seem to want to *improve* us is some way.

And the programs that claim to have "awakening" as an end result, turn it into yet another goal to be achieved.

Ironically, even "awakening" has become stressful!!


suzy greaves

See what I mean, Carole.....we're all competing to win....the napping competition and we haven't even started the programme yet.
I can see this getting really big - we could run a national 'X-factor' type 'most talented napper' competition...with categories like...how to take a nap and look like you're not.....
and yes, Tim....if we make the 'big peace' our next goal....our next 'I'll be happy when..., then we could really set ourselves up royally.
How I'm seeing the Big Peace is a daily (or second by second) practice....and over the 30 day programme, we will be experimenting with ideas, tools, questions and I'm hoping we will all come away with a couple - maybe just one thing that might help us step away from the madness/chatter inside our heads and find a warm spot....
I also think it will be interesting to see what happens when a big group of us focus on contentment.....the theory is what we focus on expands....??? if there are more of us - does that mean that it will multiply....like compound interest???? I don't know...let's see...


I think these people are going to take a bit of beating. Seems they've taken the napping just that one step further. Do take a look as it's a barking mad idea.
I would pay the cat!
Thank you Suzy for telling me to nap I have a late afternoon one planned.

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