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Friday, 20 February 2009



I've just read your post Suzy and can't believe it because I've just spend the day lounging on the sofa in front of the fire, reading!! - on a Saturday! - I NEVER EVER do that. I just had this strong urge to nuture myself and decided to go with it.Fantastic!!


I've been curled up reading this week too....and, although not very relaxing, we've just suddenly decided to move bedrooms. We had an extension done a while ago, and spent today moving up our bed to the new room. I'm very excited!


Week 3 was all about anger for me, though it didn't always turn up at morning pages time. Fierce anger about my ex, about my (ex) job, my ex-life. Real fury about the turns of events last year and the way so many people let me down in such a big way.

But this anger means I'm alive. It's first time I've felt really alive since dropping into a deep deep depression in November. So I'm taking it as a very good sign.


No such stuff for me...I spent week 3 with my nephew who is what is termed 'Special Needs' .....well he is probably the only person I know who truly lives in the "Now"...so no curling up with books....no nurturing....no Me time....But what a refreshing week with no thoughts about how 'bad' 'wrong' 'not focused' my life is......When I observe how he approaches life it really does put all of this into perspective.....

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