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Friday, 26 December 2008



Hi there,
I did a little sketching in order to grow slowly rather than standing still. not much but keeps me going.

Happy festive season.



Gary Gray

Hi Thanks for your post.

Growing slowly is my new normal. Since a massive stroke (bleed) a little over six years ago I have had to learn to accept slow as my new normal.

My recovery continues to improve every day.


Smiles :o)

suzy greaves

Gary you are in inspiration. great blog too!
Suzy x

Joanne Lovett

It always starts with one step. I can see all the steps I have made and it helps me to realise slowly I've grown into who I am now. I just have one little step I have to continue over and over and that is to not compare me to others. Just now I was in a photo with my daughter's friends and they are all size 8's whereas I am a size 18. I couldn't help focusing on my broader shoulders compared to there's. But, then I remember that photos are not really symbols of who I am. Infact a person is much, much more in person.

So, thank you Suzy. I didn't get to stick with the blog in december as I was super busy with university. However, university was a great leap that came about after me taking many, many small steps. One of the main small steps was to go and challenge the belief that I couldn't do maths and I over came it and finally I got to university.

Another small step this year (which was huge really) was to be honest that due to my injured arm I needed help! And I gladly received help with basic stuff like washing my hair.

Love's to u!


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