As we talked about in day 1, our mind cannot tell the difference between real or imagined. Our mind (and our bodies) believe the stories we tell ourselves. But not sure about you, but I'm not always aware of the stories or negative beliefs that cause the stress in my life. At the Big Peace retreat last weekend, I was shocked to discover a 'no one cares about me' belief hanging around in my psyche. It was subtle but it was there.
When we have a belief, our mind is constantly searching for evidence to prove that this is true. It's the old adage that what you focus on expands. If you buy a red car, all you see is red cars. The conscious mind is on search mode, looking for evidence to prove your belief to be correct.
So what do you believe about yourself and life? Do you believe that life is wonderful, that you will always be okay, that you are priceless, that you deserve only the best and that life is easy? Do you believe that you will always be supported, land on your feet, that life is fun, that you'll always attract the best in life and life is one big party?
Or do you believe that life is hard, money is the root of all evil, all men are bastards, all women are mad, life is a struggle, men don't commit, life is a rollercoaster, all men leave, all women cheat and that you have to be bad to be rich? Do you believe you'll never make it because you're not good enough, in fact you're actually pretty worthless, oh, and you're stupid too?
What is your reality? What do you believe to be true about yourself and life? Because whatever you believe, you're right. You're right because you believe it to be true.
Quantum scientists and physicists are teaching us that our world is what we perceive it to be. Reality is simply raw, unformed data waiting to be interpreted by you, the perceiver. And scientists like Dr David Hamilton on day 1 are showing us that by changing the way we think - we can actually change our reality.
So the exercise for today is this. Figure out what you believe. Awareness is the first step, we'll talk about creating new beliefs in the coming days.
Often it's hard to identify what we believe because we've been living in that world for a long time.
Try these questions and let's see if we can winkle out an idea of what you really believe about yourself and life? Just quickly put pen to paper - don't think too hard and speed write your answers.
- What decision did you have to make to survive and thrive in your
- What happens to people like you?
- What will people say about you when you are dead?
- What negative feeling do you feel most often?
- When you get this feeling, what do you believe about yourself?
- When you get this feeling, what do you believe about life?
- What do you believe about yourself to have a career like yours?
- What would you have to believe about yourself to have a
relationship history like yours?
- What would you have to believe about yourself to have a circle of
friends like yours?
- What would you have to believe about yourself, or life, for things
to be exactly as they are right now?
Put these questions and answers away for now and we'll come back to
them soon.