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Monday, 01 December 2008


Sue Thomason

Thanks so much for this, especially the interview with David Hamilton. I use visualisation in my online course for compulsive overeaters - and it works to help them to change their thinking. It's great to hear yet more scientific evidence behind the effectiveness of visualisation and the power of making changes to the way we think.

I shall be keeping up to date regularly with The Big Peace. It's much appreciated.

Sue Thomason

red index

I just did the exercise for perhaps all of 5 minutes, and now feel a buzzing halo around myself: Wow! I did not expect the effect to be so powerful and immediate!


This was lovely and relaxing. I had a very contented feeling after. I have done a similar excercise before and often imagine sending the pink light to others.


I tried to do this 3 or 4 times last night. I couldn't visualise the light. Any tips? Could I imagine a warm feeling spreading instead maybe or do I have to 'see' this light? Am I looking at myself as if observing from afar?


I find I can "feelise" much easier than visualise - so cut out the flame/light and went straight to strength and happiness spreading out from my heart through my body. I felt calmer and more focussed after. Tried it several times during the day and found the starting point was stronger than the previous each time.


Wow, thanks for the lovely visualisation exercise! I practiced at lunchtime and could feel the stress of the day lift away....and I couldn't stop smiling!! ;-)

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