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Friday, 20 June 2008



Goodness, what would I do if I were brave enough? Become a roly poly strippogram? Be honest, really honest with people who are upsetting me? Take a chance on buying a house even though everyone knows it's a dumb idea when you don't have a reliable income...oh, and pitch every dumb idea I have for a feature to some unsuspecting editor in the hope that one of them comes back and says "What a brilliant idea, yes please" instead of ignoring me or saying no...being a freelance JOURNALIST rather than a copywriter - Oooooh many things!


Couldn't agree more. All the best things/decisions I have done required a huge amount of courage, belief and nerves of steel but the results are enormous. Unfortunately sometimes you stop yourself making a leap because of the effect it will have on those around you, your children, husband on whom it wouldn't really be fair if mum made everyone move country whilst she tried a new career. Thus the challenge becomes even greater - how to do it without upsetting the status quo, without being a complete selfish, egotistical person. As you know Suzy, I'm working on it.


Thanks and regards.

Air Jordan

Many who seem to be struggling with adversity are happy; many, amid great affluence, are utterly miserable. Do you agree?

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