There has been a lot of fuss about a new book called The Secret by Rhonda Byrne, which talks about the 'law of attraction.'
I came across this 'law' years ago in a book by Esther and Jerry Hicks called Ask and It is Given. (Hay House)
According to the 'law of attraction', thoughts have an energy that attracts like energy. In order to control this energy, we must practice four things:
1. Know what one desires and ask the universe for it. (The "universe" is mentioned broadly, stating that it can be anything from God to an unknown source of energy.)
2. Focus one's thought upon the thing desired with great feeling such as enthusiasm or gratitude.
3. Feel and behave as if the object of one's desire is already acquired.
4. Be open to receiving it.
What a belief system! An interesting one to adopt? What do you think? I asked one of my clients to read the 'Ask and it is Given' book and to write a review, after trying on the belief system for size - here's what she said:
"There are very few books in my experience which make you feel better about life. Ask and it is Given, however, is one of them. This book helps you identify exactly what it is you really want right now and then provides all the necessary tools and processes you need to acquire it.
I’ve no idea how manifestation works, all I know is that it does. After focusing on a diamond ring I wanted, you can imagine my surprise when only one week later I was proposed to with the diamond ring of my dreams. The secret, I believe, is truly believing that you deserve to have it and then imagining that it’s about to be delivered to your door at any moment." Sarah, film-maker.
The law of attraction - could this be a peaceful way of living our lives? I know that it can sometimes have the opposite effect ie. "I've been forcing myself to think positive thoughts but I still haven't got what I's not working! this/my life is rubbish," I've heard people say.
Maybe that happens because we're going about it in the 'if I do this.....i will get that......" mindset. The idea of feeling peaceful is to feel peaceful (or content) whatever happens versus 'I'm only going to focus positively/think feel-good thoughts if it's going to manifest me great riches'. The focus is surely to feel content anyway versus giving to get. If like attracts like, then that mindset isn't exactly the most attractive one! The 'great riches' are just a bonus, surely?
When I ask my clients what they want....they will often come up with a list.......a yacht....a day be out of debt.......whatever....Then I ask them "what will it give you?"
Their answers vary from everything to freedom, to love to security. This is what they REALLY want. So the first thing we do is have them focus on that. If they can make the leap and realise that they have the access to that emotion RIGHT NOW, then the manifesting the yacht is just a matter of time and taking the right actions.
The Big Leap is realising that the yacht won't give you freedom, it will just take them from A to B and will probably be great fun to sail. However, they can have freedom in their life right now by changing the way they think. - it's an internal state. As Michael Neill said in our recent interview, it's a choice we can make right now. He's right. YOu can be peace right now.
Let's do it. Think of someone or a place or a time when you felt happy/peaceful/free.....what does it feel like? Where are you feeling it in your body? Let that feeling expand up, down and sideways, let it flow out the top of your head, through your feet. You are free. Already. Now. It's a choice you can make right now in the present.
And then you can decide if you still want to save for that yacht.
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