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Monday, 13 August 2007



Hi Suzy,
I happen to have picked up the "YOU" magazine and found this article very interesting and really informative. I find this very true if you apply this to life circumstances. I really want to find out whether you have written a book about these thories devised and if not why don't you write one. I'll really love to read your book.


Hi Suzy

Great article in "You", I do not usually see the publication.

All makes a lot of sense and have ordered the "Flow" book from the library. I think you have put my thinking into words - thinking I could not unsurface.

Keep it coming


Suzy Greaves

Great, so pleased. I get really scared before an article like this is published because there is a part of me that thinks that maybe everyone else really does walk round in metaphorical matching socks and underwear and people will laugh and point at me.
However, I've had a huge response and people signing up to the big peace - which makes me feel like I'm not alone!
Thanks for your support.
Suzy x

Elaine Macdonald

Really enjoyed the article in You magazine. This is very much where I'm at presently myself. Improving from an illness and learning to let go and find inner peace. I'll certainly support your charity and look forward to starting the life-coaching.



Hi Suzy

My sister sent me your article from the 'You' magazine the other day, in the hope that it may help me recover from many years of torment and uncertainty, and an inability to relax. I'm glad she did, and maybe I can move forward with some hope, and look forward to some peace of mind.

Thank you sis.........and thank you Suzy!



Tessa, let's have some fun finding our missing peace. Let's move forward with curiousity and lightness. Let's experiment with some other ways of 'doing life'. Delighted you're on board.
Suzy x

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