Big Peace December Day 5
Yesterday we were experimenting in focussing differently. How easy was
it to adopt a different belief system? Was it fun? Were you
Our beliefs about life and ourselves form and then come true for us
when we find evidence to support them. By 'acting as if', we start
creating evidence to prove this new belief about ourselves is right.
What we focus on expands. If you believe that you're not good enough,
we constantly look for evidence to prove ourselves right.
Ask yourself:
What is the belief system that will bring you contentment?
What is the belief system that will soothe your soul?
What would be the soothing antidote to all those negative and nasty beliefs about yourself and life? E.g. I don't have to be giving/doing/proving
myself to be worthwhile, I can just be me.
What could be your Big Peace belief that you could adopt as your
personal mantra?
Write it down and post it where you can see it for
the rest of December.
What you focus on expands
This is such an interesting exercise and so powerful. I am experimenting with a few 'new' beliefs for me and when I do this I feel so free and whole....I feel like the 'True Me'....The thoughts that resonate the strongest are the ones I'm nurturing and really 'feeling' from my core self....and it's fun to do ;-)
Posted by: caite | Saturday, 06 December 2008 at 08:59 AM