Big Peace December Day 12
My best friend read my blog last night and laughed. She says that I used to think the meaning of life lay in glamorous Jimmy Choo shoes and now I think the answer lies in a pair of purple slippers. "You have totally transformed yourself," she laughed. Alas, from Carrie Bradshaw to Norah Battie.
Apologies for this late posting today. I've been out all day on exciting meetings. Just created a new one day workshop called .....wait for it ......The Big Eat....! Forget dieting in January, we're creating a new approach to food - life nourishment! Put 30th January in your diary. Will post details in the next couple of days once I type up the details!
So today I have been inspired. When I am inspired I feel like EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE. Nothing gets me more into my Big Peace place quicker than inspiration.
So after all our hard work over the last few days....just a couple of simple questions to answer tonight.
When were you last truly inspired and why?
If you were to inspire yourself on a daily basis - what would have to change? What would you have to do differently?
I don't know about you but living life from my Big Peace place (where I feel that I'm just in the right place, that life is unfolding just as it should, that I don't know what will happen but know that when it does, I'll learn and grow....and basically I'm just enjoying myself) and inspiration for me is a big part of that process. When I'm inspired, I feel like I'm living my Big Leap life - a life well lived, a life lived well - in purple slippers.
Speak tomorrow!
P.S How did you get on with the Byron Katie stuff yesterday. I must admit that I found it quite challenging to let go of one of my 'shoulds'. I'm going to work through the worksheet again today. I couldn't quite find the turnaround that felt completely true for me. How did you get on?