I've had load of people emailing me about the golden ticket lunch.
It's a typo! It's supposed to say....Golden Ticket launch, not lunch!!! (I'm a terrible cook so it's a good job really)
The Golden Ticket launch is when we release some 'coaching tickets' which are 6 x half hour telephone coaching sessions for £250 over a period of 6 months. Sessions to be taken as and when you want. With me.
I did my first Golden Ticket pilot in March and I released 20 tickets. And I have realised that of all the ways I have tried to coach....this seems to have worked best for my clients - short power bursts of coaching every 4 weeks or so and then you're off!
So, another big leap for me, I've decided that this is the only way I'm going to coach (versus doing one to one coaching where people can hire me anytime) I am going to release Golden Tickets every 6 months.
But I won't cook you lunch! (this is a very good thing!!)
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