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Tuesday, 07 August 2007


Chris Hills

Hi Suzy

I have just been reading your article in The Sunday Mail about go with the flow.
I found this very interesting and something that I do from time to time try to put into practice. I say from time to time because I still find that I am hitting myself over the head more than not. However in looking for an inner peace do you think traing in this very field of work would be useful not only eventually for others but in a very selfish way for myself


Chris Hills


Hi Suzy
I also read your article in the Mail on Sunday... enjoyed it very much.
I have spent my whole life 'trying to be perfect' which of course is impossible.
I have even suffered with depression over the last 10 years partly due to me beating myself up as 'I'm just not good enough'.
I'm going to keep your article and use it to refer to when I need to remind myself what really matters.. and just try to chill out!


Hi Suzy,
Thank you for your article in the mail. I loved it! It felt like it was written for me. I constantly have a list of things I should do and if I have a night to myself, rather than chill out, I think of how I can improve myself so I'm better tomorrow! I also worry I'm not a big enough achiever. This type of thinking has been with me since school but your article helped me to realise something that has been trying to get through for some time. I don't have to be prefect, I can do things that make me happy and not feel guilty and I can enjoy my life without having to wind myself up that Ive not done enough. I've also kept the article to look back on as a lifetimes habit of thinking is hard to break but I'll do my best!
Thanks again


Hi Suzy,
I've read your article in the Daily Mail too, I found it very interesting and much of what you wrote struck a chord with me! I pretty much live by your five rules already (took me many years to get to this point!) but do sometimes waver, so it's always good to have some encouragement. I'd like to mention your article in my blog if that's ok; I know some of my blog "friends" would find it interesting, and I'll link to the bigpeace.com (which I've signed up for). Good luck with your venture.

Suzy Greaves

Hi Gill, thanks for your support!
and yes, I know what you mean. The Big Peace is not a destination but a daily practice and anything we can use to remind us to connect with a feeling of ease and flow - brilliant!
Suzy x
ps feel free to mention us all you want!

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